Monday, June 21, 2010

Technology is not always my friend

Okay, I know I'm always talking about applying for jobs on this thing but that's because it's literally all I do. My goal is to have something lined up for after graduation, but as that date creeps closer and closer, I'm not sure that's really going to happen. I guess the thing that makes me the most angry about job searches is technology related. That is: filling in online databases with the same information that's on my resume. Why can't I just attach it with a cover letter and be done with it? Sometimes it takes hours to complete just one application. What's even worse is when they use your attached resume to automatically populate the fields in the database, getting it completely wrong 99% of the time. I know there are ways to make an importation friendly resume, but honestly, I spent a lot of time making my resume look pretty and I don't want to have to conform to these stupid standards (which tend to be different for each new application anyways!). I have to admit that I think technology has actually made finding a job harder and more futile than ever before. You send out all this information, your resume, your cover letter, what have you, into this abyss, hoping that someone reads it and contacts you. It's madness. I'd much rather do the legwork and apply in person, because then at least they can attach a face with a name, you can meet the hiring manager (for future correspondence) and they can tell you really put in the effort to find the job. Of course, online job applications have made it possible for me to apply to jobs back home while still in Pittsburgh, but I would much rather send out my information in the mail or through email than fill out one more of these silly online forms.

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