I'm proud of myself for having a fairly productive Sunday. The urge to go out and enjoy the semi-nice weather was strong, but I had to resist and get ahead on some work. My motivating force is that I FINALLY get to go home to Connecticut next weekend. It's for one of my oldest and dearest friend's going away party - he's joining the Army and leaving for basic training next Sunday, followed by a year appointment in Monterrey, CA. I wouldn't miss it for the world, and also it's a great excuse to take a mini vacation this weekend. I've been able to visit home at least once a month since I've started this program and it's really enabled me to stay sane. It gives me something to look forward to and as long as I feel caught up on work, I can actually relax and enjoy myself. I get to leave on Thursday, so I'll have to complete the online quiz while at home :( But it will be worth it!
Getting some work out of the way before the weekend has another huge benefit: I've been taking a WISE course through the University of British Columbia on Academic Libraries. It's been really interesting and the instructors seem very nice, but it's a pretty heavy work load because it's only a 6 week class. Which means we have about two papers due every Sunday, plus all the discussion board postings we are supposed to complete throughout the week. It's rough, but since I'm making myself do all my work early, I'll be done with my last two papers for the class before the weekend! Then the last week of that class will be when I come back, where we don't really have much to do except a few discussion questions. I will be thrilled to be done with this class because then I'll only have 3 courses to worry about and can focus all my energy on those. Oh yeah, and those annoying job applications...
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